The beautiful world of the night sky that you can see as much as you know

Humans looked at the stars in the sky, measured their direction, found their way, named them, and connected them with stories. Although it varies slightly depending on the region and country, it feels mysterious to say that it is an inevitable universal response to nature, looking at the shining stars under the same sky.

Constellations are quite familiar to us, too. Historical records such as 고Goryeosa≫ and 조선Chosun Dynasty Annals≫ show our ancestors’ interest in astrology that predicted the future of the royal family and the country through astronomical phenomena, which continues to the present day and still predict constellations according to their birth dates.

If you ask anyone if they know constellations, I think they will get more than one answer. That much, I am familiar with constellations, but when asked if I have ever found them in the sky, I can expect different results. The reality may be that modern people who spend their entire days indoors at school, work, and day-to-day and are busy sleeping because they are tired at night do not have enough time to enjoy the night sky except for a short travel time.

However, sometimes when you look up at the sky, unexpected joy comes. On a difficult day, sometimes a shining star can be a great comfort, and on a trip that has left easily, it can make a perfect day. In the hope of becoming the starting point for this big and small joy, I would like to easily solve the basic common sense that you can enjoy constellations around the summer night sky.

Brightness of the Star

The brightness of a star is different. The grades are divided according to the brightness, and there are largely ‘appearance grades’ and ‘absolute grades’. As can be inferred from the word, the apparent grade is the brightness of the celestial body measured on Earth divided by the grade. The grades range from negative to positive, and the lower the number, the brighter the star. The absolute rating is a little different. If the apparent rating is based on observations on Earth, the absolute rating is based on the assumption that all stars have the same distance and then the brightness is graded.

The lower the apparent level, the easier it is to observe with both eyes, and thus we can see that the brightness of each star varies. Then, in order to find constellations in the night sky, wouldn’t it be a good idea to try to observe them based on the brightest stars? That’s why we need to find the alphabet.

Alpha stars are the brightest stars in a constellation. It’s called in the order of brightness after the Greek letters, the brightest star is the alpha star, then the brightest star is the beta star, and then the gamma star. It leads to this order. This nomenclature originated from Johann Weyer, a German astronomer, and is named after him.

*In principle, it is true that the names were given in the order of the brightness of the stars, but many exceptions have been found in modern times.

If you see an exceptionally shining star in the night sky, it is likely someone’s alpha star. Alpha stars can be a good indicator for us to match the pieces of stars in the night sky.

Color of stars

Not only is it bright, but each star has a slightly different color. When you look closely at the stars in the night sky, you sometimes feel that there is an exceptional red or blue light, and it is not just a feeling, but it is highly likely that the color of the star has been properly measured. In conclusion, the reason why the colors are different is that the surface temperatures of stars are different.

Stars emit their own light and emit energy, and the lower the energy, the wider the wavelength, the red light, and the higher the energy, the narrower the wavelength and the blue light. In other words, the lower the temperature of the star, the red light, and the higher the temperature, the blue light.

This principle can be easily found around us, and the color of the gas stove’s flame can be said example. The color of the outermost flame is blue and red toward the inner center, which also varies depending on the temperature.

Along with the brightness of the star, color is also one of the good indicators to distinguish stars in the night sky. Once you’ve finished identifying the elements that distinguish the characteristics of stars, it’s time to learn about the constellations that stars gather together.

The Big Triangle of Summer Triangle

There are three stars representing summer constellations. The large triangle formed by these three stars is called the “summer triangle.” In addition to summer triangles, there are spring curves, autumn squares, and winter triangles, and stars of constellations representing the night sky of each season.

If an alpha star acts as a good indicator to find a constellation, the summer’s Great Triangle can be a good guide to finding constellations in the summer night sky. If you look up at the countless embroidered night sky as if stars were pouring out, it seems to be sprinkled without rules. However, if you search for constellations one by one based on the brightest stars, you may wonder that it is not a sea of irregular dots, but a well-matched puzzle. (Although it is true that constellations are all just names and stories given by mankind.)

Back to the subject, Vega, Deneb, and Altair are the stars that make up the Great Triangle of Summer. These stars are alpha stars in constellation Geomun, alpha stars in constellation Swan, and alpha stars in constellation Eagle, respectively. Vega’s apparent rating is about 0, Altair is about 0.8 and Deneb is 1.25 and can be observed without difficulty with the naked eye on a clear day.

If you have found these three alpha stars that make up the Great Triangle of Summer, it is now time to find out the representative constellations of Summer. First of all, it is the swan constellation, which can be said to be the most colorful constellation in the summer night sky. The alpha star deneb is located near the tail of this swan constellation, and is shaped like a cross around it.

Next is the constellation of Eagle, where the alpha star Altair is located near the eagle’s head, and has a cross similar to the constellation of Swan. Finally, there is Geomungo, where the alpha star Vega belongs. Vega is said to be the fourth brightest star in the sky with a noticeable blue hue. Perhaps if you find an exceptionally bright blue star in the summer night sky, it is likely to be a Vega.

to the end

There is an interesting story in the summer night sky. On the way through the Milky Way, Swan constellation is located as if flying, and with this swan constellation in between, Bega, an alpha star in Geomungo constellation, is called Jiknyeo Castle, and Altaire, an alpha star in Eagle constellation, is also called Gyunwooseong. It also tells a sad story of waiting for July 7th, with the Milky Way in between.

Knowing that the brightness and color of the star are different, and if you can find an alpha star and find a figure guide representing the season in the night sky, you can say that you are now ready to enjoy the night sky. However, in order to leave the pleasant long journey of the night sky, you can enjoy it more abundantly if you use good tools. To do this, one last tip is to join the constellation map app.

There are many types of apps, but there is no significant difference in basic functions, so it will not be difficult to use them at your convenience. I’m also using an app, and if you run the app and bring the screen to the sky like you’re taking a picture, you can know all the information on stars, planets, satellites and meteors that you can’t see with your bare eyes. It provides various functions and information for astronomical observation, such as the ability to take astronomical photographs by adjusting exposure or sensitivity or the ability to inform observation conditions, so it can be useful.

If you notice a star that shines especially in the night sky, try to infer based on the season, brightness, color, etc. and run the app to compare. It may be the starting point for you to fall into the infinite world of celestial bodies.

On an exceptionally clear and dark night, when stars are visible in the sky, I hope you can stare as far away from the surrounding lights as possible. There will be three stars and four stars in the sky where only one or two stars were visible, so you will be able to see more stars.

Among the tall buildings, it is too easy to pass by unless you look up consciously. It is never easy to find when you can’t afford it, but on the contrary, it is also the star of the night sky to me that you find when you have a hard time.

I hope that a clear and dark night will come before this summer, which is good for observing stars, and that cultural lovers will be able to find and count the constellations in the summer night sky. Small, shiny, shining stars from 10 billion years ago will be able to give a sparkling comfort to the tired mind.
